oh breathe, just breathe


The strange woman appeared to be friendly enough, and at her welcome greeting, Sura's tail automatically began such a great wag that her rear end threatened to fall over from lack of balance. Of course, none of that motion helped Sura's ailing bladder. Her face morphed to an elongated stretch of concentration.

"Otay!", was all she said to the woman's inquiries on if the flowers were for her. It took a minute for the realization that there was still more Sura needed to answer to sink in. "I'm a Sura. I am adults!", she explained, holding her head high to show her imaginary position of dignity.

"Dey, dey was ebil! Dey says wean wings! Dey says Sura is widdle woney wirl wif no fwiends no purposes and no one wants! Dey say Sura is no goods for nuffin! So I shows dem! I wips dem out! Bad fwowers! Bad !", she explained in an animated fashion, waving her paws around where she could, and gesturing towards the mess.

"Wady you no wooks da woods, you shoulds becomes smawers, wikes me.", she tried to suggest that the woman shift into her lupus form. She much preferred it anyways. The woman was attractive and kind, and had a sort of mysterious air about her. Maybe Sura would grow up one day to look like her. The woman seemed to have big breasts, too. That would be nice. Sura examined her own chest for a moment.

"Ou, Ou!", she began her outcries again, now starting a slight hopping motion up and down. She began to bite her lip . "CANS I GOES POTTIES PWEASES !!", she nearly screamed, her bladder feeling like it was threatening to burst.




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