I can hear myself singing that song
((Poor Tal, I'm gonna pick on him now. LOL))

His dreams were sweet now, but they'd be bittersweet when he woke up. Tameri, Myrddin, Cody, Lena, Brighid, Liadain, and Liam were all pups, were all playing under the shade of the ash tree. Sky, Kira, and himself watched, neither female feeling any jealousy toward the other as they watched the pups play.

A bug landed on his nose, and he idly swatted it. As he did, he felt the ground tilt under him. His eyes flew open as he listed to one side, landing awkwardly on an elbow. He was disappointed to see it had been a dream. He heard a noise, or saw a shadow, perhaps, and he climbed awkwardly to his feet, brushing off his jeans. He could feel his cheeks heating under his fur, and was glad for the white covering.

He sketched a bow in Skye's direction. "M'Lady. How can I help you?" His formal greeting was marred by the dried leaves in his tail and the smudge of dirt on his cheek.

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