See the fallout...
They grey colored female seemed amused by his horse's behavior and Fritz gave Aston a mock glare, though he wasn’t at all upset with his horse and quickly gave the large horse a rub on the nose. To which, Aston gently bumped his head against his rider's shoulder. He was good horse and surprisingly gentle considering his size, much like his master Fritz supposed. They made a good pair, with Aston seeing him at his best and at his worse. They had been through thick and thin together and the large stallion had proven his worth many times over.

Anu told him that they had found a place to stay between the artistic pack and his first home. He had no real animosity towards his old home, except being upset with Hadley and Ismeme for hurting his mate. The reason he was wary of settling there was the fact that it would do who knows how much harm to Selene, harm that he would need to heal. Not that he minded helping his love but he'd prefer if he didn’t need to. "We? Who is staying with you?" His tone was friendly and curious.

The female asked him to tell her some about the pack and what it was called and he easily obliged her. "The pack is called Vinátta. It is very new and is based on Norse traditions of the founding members. The leaders are Saul Stormbringer and Lilin Soulstorm. I must admit there isn’t a whole lot I can say since I haven’t been there terribly long. But Selene and I like it there." He was and he was sure that Selene was happy there as well.

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