See the fallout...
OOC: Want to wrap this up pretty soon?

IC: Anu nodded in agreement with what he said and Fritz was glad that she seemed to be content with those that she trusts. "Do you miss leading?" His question was purely curious and he regarded her with curiosity. He assumed that for many canines it would be a bit difficult to let go of leading and yet feel free that they didn't have so many canines to look after.

She seemed unsure about joining a pack and he gave a reassuring grin. "Well, let us hope that you can find some place where you can feel like home. Even if its not with a pack or with my home, Anu." About there being friendly faces in Vinátta, he nodded. "It helps to know someone in the pack when you join. When Selene and I left Casa di Cavaleri, we didn’t know anyone from Crimson Dreams. But we were welcomed there nonetheless and enjoyed our time there very much." He flashed her a big, grateful grin.

He gave her a sympathetic grin. "When you find a home, it tends to get imprinted on you very strongly." For him, home wasn’t a place but a person, his mate Selene. If home was were the heart is and his heart was with Selene than she was home.

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