Risks of letting go

Oak traveled north.

He left the cider house in the early morning and simply moved north. He had always done that when their lives were centered around Haven Manor. The male would just go, and North it was. To the hills and woods. Now, only after hours of walking the male stood at the water. Had it even been a hour? The ocean seemed so close and he could not tell, his thoughts were far from focused on the day. They painted his future, and the colors they used were dim and neutral.

The salt licked air touched his shortly kept mane, lifting it and bringing a summer breeze to ease the warmth of the sun. It was so seemingly wide open. Just like the coast that his family had once owned. But he had no idea that just beyond the horizon lay another stretch of beach or rock. A beast could be standing on it as well, looking out and wondering where the sea would end. The tree-male did not know the area, or the coastline. Suddenly he missed what was so familiar for him.

Questions had begun to rise inside, they started to wonder about the where and when and who in his life. He wanted something larger then the cider house, a part of him resented the orchard and how it was so easily found and how it had become the perfect hideaway. When they left Rabbit Lake Oak could not imagine calling himself anything again, if he was not a Dreamer… he was nothing. But he couldn’t stand being that any longer.


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