Fix It, Fix You

Current Objective: Thinking ---
Form: Optime >>> Lupus.----
Mood: Agitated--

” No problem, one of us had to set the example with pack expectations. ”.

Perhaps Jaden had been distracted lately, though it was interesting to see the turn in the wolves attitude. He had went from docile to immediately hostile the moment that the yellow dog had been mentioned. Worse, he had all but dismissed X’ies from the area, and well that wasn’t something he was willing to do at this point in time. ” Interesting, the yellow dog got violent when I pressed her about it as well…”. His previous statement of course was an ideal counter to the black furred male’s obvious jibe. Pointing out that he had been the only member of the pack even amongst the leaders to complete all the packs required expectations. Whether or not Jaden , or indeed X’y liked it. X’ies was indeed leading the way for the rest of them.

His eyes moved over to X’y as she repeated what he had said, a subject that Jaden seemed to be dodging. Or perhaps that’s what he wanted to talk about?...doubtful. As far as he was aware Jaden had no idea about X’y’s hatred for dogs. ” Indeed…a yellow dog….I met her just outside of the pack lands on a trading route….honestly you’ll be surprised just what kind of information merchants can sell you….”. Of course, he had obtained little in the ways of actual information from the yellow dog, she had been surprisingly evasive concerning the subject of Jaden. Then again, perhaps that was her plan when she had come to the pack borders. To warn him that X’ies had wriggled more out of her than she had intended to divulge.

”…..Regardless to answer your first question….you were indeed interrupting….I had some things to discuss with X’y myself"



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