Fix It, Fix You
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His voice was quiet, but audible. Enough that she could grasp his words and the caution laden within. She remained quiet with the commendable patience she was known to possess but struggled to keep it in tact. Within the quiet storm raged on, battering against the walls of her control, fueled by assumptions of the worst that could come from his lips.

Their encounter was more than fleeting, he affirmed. He had saved her...when her life was better lost to Jazper's collective. "You should have let them have her," she growled softly, but kept her temper in check. She silenced herself and let him continue elaborating on their connection. She recalled the dagger he had given to her the night he left Ichika. It was never used but still in her possession, carefully concealed within her piles of furs. Never needed but nostalgic none the less. And it was replaced by a weapon that mongrel had given to him? And they were...friends? Her control lingering by a thread snapped under the soft pressure of his words.

"You would call that bitch your friend?! Have you know idea what she has done?!" Of course he would not know what emotional and physical harm she had dealt to the heart of Ichika. After his departure he would have been ignorant of it, but it did not lessen the volume of her bellow as she poured her rage into every word. Every syllable.

"She is a monster. A beast that needs to be put down! She attacked my packmate and my student with no provocation other than to do it for fun! She cut poor Kiara to pieces! She could have infected her and changed her way of life! Had my student not been there, she would have KILLED HER FOR NO REASON! And you would DARE call her your friend!? You would ALIGN yourself with such evil?" The evil of the dog. A scurge that plagued this living world... out for themselves regardless of who they harmed in the process, attempting to be something other than what they were; weak... cowards. Wayward souls beyond hope of salvation.

"She is NOT your friend," she snapped. "Nor will you speak with her again. And you will rid yourself of ANYTHING she has given to you! If you find her again in the clutches of Death, you let them have her! Any that would maim or kill for enjoyment is not worth saving..."

408 words.

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