Fix It, Fix You


Words - 400

To say her anger was similarly startling like her irritation had been would be downplaying it severely. He looked into the eyes he adored and watched the maw he dearly loved to see smiling and recognized only a deep, dark hate. Soon enough he realized why too.

Jaden knew of Kiara from his time in Ichika no-Hoen. She was sweet, docile, and had a beautiful white coat from what he’d seen and been told of her. Imagining her bloodied and tortured was hard. Truly a monster of a soul would be needed to stomach such an act. And just like that everything Jaden thought he knew about Amy was rewritten. It was an easy act to ditch all his respect for Amy on X’yrin’s word but not one that left him feeling the greatest about himself. Had he truly been so blind to a pretty body that he had overlooked the monster within the woman? Or maybe it was the prospect of a kindred spirit that had braved the same hardships as he which left the male so blind. Whatever the case, he was sickened by the trust he had given her and what he had done with her.

But it was so much to take in. Disappointment in himself, anger from the one he loved, and X’ies’ aggravatingly plain gaze. It was embarrassing too. All of it was upsetting and that pain turned to anger behind blue eyes. I didn’t know, his lips curled back once more with the growled words as he looked to his beloved, and now that I do, you need not bark at me like a pup! Being commanded didn’t help his displeasure and neither did being asked to give up his weapons. Such fine daggers were not easy to come by and these ones had become part of him. He knew their weight, he knew their feel, he knew every single imperfection down to the very last worn leather cord. Regardless of who they came from or what they had been used for, they were his weapons as much as the claws in his fingers or the teeth in his mouth. He could give them up for her but that didn’t mean it was a prospect he enjoyed thinking about. I will return the weapons myself and deal with her how I see fit. I will treat her the way a monster should be treated and I don’t need to be instructed upon this matter any further. He did not shout with anger as she had but nor did he say this with a smile spread about his lips. The words were growled in a way to show his annoyance with their situation.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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