
OOC: This is a plot thread, in which el Extranjero finds his name. I was going to make it read only, but roleplaying's way more fun. AW threads ftw.

IC: A surly San Pedro Martir coyote of about four years old, his fur dark and his already below average height stunted further by hunched shoulders, followed the cracked road North. The sun was high and white, but the sky was pale gray, keeping everything still and dank. In the coyote’s arms, as light as a feather but seeming to weigh him down further for every step he took, was a young coyote girl of about three months old, in Luperci form like the male. She was unconscious. Blood caked the side of her head and hair.

The male that carried her was little better for ware. His ribs were jagged and very visible, his face gaunt and his naked waist wrapped heavily in bloodstained bandages. His step faltered and he very strenuously managed to lift his head to reveal dull gold eyes, and he strained them to look at the horizon, which was lined by heavy trees. He murmured something in Spanish, and the girl in his arms remained unresponsive. He looked at her grimly and continued to walk. He looked delirious, but his eyes were stonily purposeful.

Meanwhile, a Spaniard elsewhere managed with much more ease to exhibit his exotic Mediterranean charm. With his rich brown fur, dark eyes and rangy height more akin to that of a wolf, el Extranjero suited the sunlight. Little of it slanted through the thick canopy under which he roamed, however, and he made his way to the southern reaches of the territory he did not yet know as Ethereal Eclipse. Although he had been traveling North when he had come across Gabriel, he had been intrigued by the land, and detoured southwest.

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