1.Character Name:Lance

2.Character Birthdate: (Including year)9/13/2011


4.Species: Wolf

5.Is your character a Luperci?: Yes

6.Other 'Souls Characters: None

7.How you found 'Souls?: I googled werewolf RPG

8.Are you joining a pack?: Loner

9.If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?:No Pack

3 examples-1-Aethusa laughed to herself."Well at least she isn't laughing at me." Then Lance began to process her question."No i'm not part of a pack. I have been a loner for almost all my life and i just happened to wander upon all of you. Lucky me huh?" Then Aethusa began to curl up apologizing. Lance felt terrible thinking it was his fault."It's OK, you didn't offend me in any way. Oh and to answer your question,yes I do have something fuzzy. With a smile because he was finally helping again Lance reached into his bag and grabbed out a wad of cotton-balls and handed them to the black dog."I wonder why he sprung up so fast?" After he was done helping Lance walked over to the lake and sat staring at the water. He began to ponder how great it felt to have company even though some were nicer then others.Turning his attention to the dog Lance said "So Toby are you in a pack around here or a loner like us" gesturing towards him,Lukos,and the female.

2-Lance couldn't believe how quick of a turn to the worse the storm had took. He looked in complete fear as he witness Authesa being lifted into the air. He caught a sigh of relief when she was able to plant her feet on the ground. As she began running back towards him, Lance knew he had to help. Before Lance could even move Lukos had planted a firm hold and reached for Aethusa."I've got to help. There has to be something I can do but I need to calm down first."

Lance began taking deep breathes until his heartbeat had slowed down. Then he got an idea. He ran to his satchel. He looked over in the woods and found a stick that mist have been almost 1 1/2 times his size. With all the might of his might(almost straining himself) he was able to carry the stick over to Lukos. " I have an idea but you got to trust me! Hold my arm and i'll reach this stick out! Hopefully this may give her a the boost she needs!" Lukos then turned towards Authesa." Grab a hold of this stick and i'll pull you in.

In the hype of the moment Lance forgot about Toby but he didn't have enough to check on him."I hope he's okay.

3-"People always used to say don't be afraid of the dark just be afraid of whats in it. Well This saying is completely true." Lance thought to himself. The noises and and the constant threat of the unknowing darkness has kept Lance awake for almost three nights now. Lance doesn't know what sparked this fright be he knows if he doesn't find someone else soon then he may never sleep again.

He was deep into some unknown woods after wandering for days.He didn't know what the sounds in the woods were but he knew what the sound was that his stomach was making. He was starving. "i haven't ate since two days ago" Lance began to ponder but lance knew he wouldn't be able to find any food. His hunting skills were even below novice and he didn't know the first thing about what plants and berries were poisonous or not. So Lance decided to focus on the sound of his stomach to drown out the sound of the unknown in the woods. After a short time Lance was able to get what felt like to him, the best sleep he had ever had.

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