[p] all hail king Neptune


Vasiliy is by Raze!

Vasiliy was unaware of his pack's history and interactions with other areas. He hadn't had the chance to ask anyone about it: most of those he'd met seemed nearly new as he himself was. Dalgina was too young to have seen much, and Eclipse had confessed to him she was also a newcomer. But it was good to hear the woman speak of the d'Arte pack as friendly and having good trade. He grinned broadly and swished his tail, proud for something he hadn't even helped with. Nevertheless, it was something his pack had done, and community was important to the dark male.

I am happy you hear of us, he said, breathing inward of the pines and deep, earthy forest scents. They were beneath the wolf-scents, to be sure, but plainly, the air smelled more of pine and tree than it did wolf. Vasi couldn't have known the newness and size of Sangi'lak, of course, and he was surprised by the strength of the forest scent. The woman's smile and invitation was met with a grin of his own, and Vasi bobbed his head downward respectfully. He thought it was quite a big deal to be invited over the borders, and a tremble went through him, ending in a shivering wag of his tail. Thank you, he declared. Is great honor to have invite to pack, he burbled happily, stepping forward.

His inventory was memorized, for he hadn't brought a great amount of stuff -- the horse could carry only so much and there might be other traders at the camp even now. Paper, mine pack makes from garlic, he explained. Plants -- poppy seeds, some berries, cannabis. A few torches, and I bring jewelery, too. A paltry bit of what they had in the camp, and still less than the stores of the pack. If nothing you like, there is more. Much more, he said, spreading his arms and accidentally pulling Jakki's lead rope taut. The horse snorted her displeasure and Vasi let the rope slacken immediately, tossing an apologetic glance toward the mare. Sorry, missus, he murmured toward the mare.

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