i'll make a man out of you

The man stared at the handle that his mother was handing to him. It made no sense until she started speaking, which then he wanted to whine immediately. But, childish groaning did not bubble up in his throat, already knowing that the fight not to learn was already lost when Skye came to conclusion to teach him. Being his mother, and moreover his alphess, her word was his law, unless he wanted to punishment, whether it was dealt by his leader or parent. Like she stated, there was truly no way around it.

He took the blade carefully from her, and held it gingerly yet awkwardly in his hand. Used to only handling books and quills, this was a definite change of pace for Robert. He followed after the woman without a complaint, though it was obvious by his posture that he was going to be a reluctant learner at first. He glanced around the woods they were walking through, but he looked back at her when she started to speak once more.

When she turned to face him, and realizing that she wanted an answer, he quickly stated, "I'm witty. And..." He thought back to when he hunted with Eclipse, how fast he was to be able to catch up with a rabbit even if he failed to catch it. "I guess I am swift as well." It was a meager answer at best, but it was all the supposedly witty man could think up to say. He looked down at the dagger he held in his hand and turned the blade a little, and wondered how exactly he would be able to actually use it when it felt so foreign in his grip.


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