Colder Winds
Amy had held a dispute with a pack member here. That didn't stop her from returning. Just because she had fought with one didn't necessarily mean that the pack would turn her away. After all, Amy had broken Caspa's ribs and knocked her unconscious, yet the court held no ill will against her. No one had been told of her actions. So she stood on the edge of the southern most pack, tail swaying in thought as she looked in.

Things were going well in her life, even if she was carrying a devil's spawn. She hated him with all her might, but that wouldn't kill the pups growing in her belly. It wasn't large yet, just the tiniest bump as an indication. Only her mood changes and the other familiar signs had tipped her off. It wasn't Fang's, she knew it instinctively despite her wishes to the contrary. Amy might just ask him to become her mate though, to cover up the fact that the pups' father was someone she wanted to kill. Lifting her head she let out a deep howl, waiting for someone to come.

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