Colder Winds
A large dominant wolf slid out from the bushes. Amy measured him calmly, taking in his form without much thought. He was clearly strong, but probably wouldn't be interested in trading. That wouldn't stop her from attempting, of course. Perhaps he would reconsider once he saw what she had to offer. Perhaps he could get supplies. Trades didn't always come from the most typical of places. Amy knew that very well, trading with all types without fear or remorse.

His words were blunt, challenging her presence. Amy's tail flicked back in response, but she managed to stay calm, taking on a welcoming smile. I'm not here from need. I have simply brought with me items to trade. I was hoping to exchange for items with this pack. I carry all kinds of items. Perhaps there is something you need that I could grant you. The sweet spiel was ended with an indication towards the laden wagon for him to study.

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