goodbye ubasi
Looking for someone who dabbles a lot in trading and slavery for Salsola. I eventually hope for Masozi to become a personal slave, I would also love any PMs involving plotting for her to become Slave of the Spirit. Oh and hello! Smile

The horse the slaver drove came up short with a snort, the cart clattering behind it slowing to a stop as the burly man clutched the reigns in one hand and turned to look at his wares. He possessed all manner of things; skins that ranged from across the sea to North America, small caged animals such as rabbits, birds and even reptiles. His most prized possession at the moment though was the coal and chocolate beauty that slept peacefully beneath a pile of furs, luscious bosom bare to the cool air and rising and falling with each breath she took. "Wake up girl," he commanded, prodding her with his cane which was always readily at hand, "we have arrived."

Masozi rose with a yawn, stretching to reveal all of her best attributes before blinking wearily with golden eyes up at the older man. He stared, unabashed and lustful, giving her another gentle prod of his cane with a glimmer to his dun colored eyes. The African native knew the routine and leaped from the cart, coming around to the front as the Northern man climbed down from his seat. "Look your best girl, I plan to sell you today." With a low, sonorous howl the thick furred, black and cream brindled trader called for those in control of Salsola's trade, having heard word from Freetown that they dabbled in slavery.

With a gesture he beckoned Masozi over, holding her tightly by her left arm, just above the bracelets that marked her skills. "Let me do the talking and when you are asked a question directly you are to speak in English and only in short replies. D'ya hear me?" Masozi at the time was looking about the meadow border of the pack, golden eyes skimming the nearby treeline until they were pried away by a sharp tug at her arm. "I said d'ya hear me?" The trader growled again, raising his stick menacingly. With a calm, tranquil smile Masozi replied, "yes ubasi--" the burly man tugged again sharply at her arm "master." She finished in her deep African hum, smile never leaving her face even though dark thoughts floated about in her head, wena a-enana kancane indoda.


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