Bonding over Pregnancy

The response to Hotaru's greeting call was immediate and worrisome. Terra's broken howl spoke of danger and was filled with the coywolf's distress. Hotaru didn't know what to think. Terra was supposed to be safe inside her own pack, yet she sounded as if she feared for her life. The grey female lifted her muzzle to see if she could smell any danger. The scent of the forest and canines filled her nose, but there was no sign of danger that Hotaru could detect. Just her friends frightened call and and invitation to enter the pack lands.

Without any more hesitation, the blind female swiftly moved forward. Fawkes scouted ahead while Kelia stayed by Hotaru's side and helped direct her from the tree branches. Occasionally, the red-tailed hawk's call could be heard as he directed his companion's to where Terra was. Hotaru relied heavily on her walking staff as she moved. The wooden staff swung out in small arcs as Hotaru moved, allowing her to navigate through the forest and around invisible obstacles.

It wasn't long before Hotaru and Kelia caught up to Fawkes. The scent of flowing water and sound of bubbles soothed the grey female's senses, but she was worried about her friend. Hotaru's tail was high in the air and she stood with a confident posture. Ear's flicked back and forth and her muscles were tensed and ready to defend herself from any unseen enemy. "Terra, what's going on?"

Table by Skye

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