Bonding over Pregnancy

Terra relaxed a little as Hotaru tried to comfort her friend. It was disheartening to see the coywolf in such a state of agitation, so feeling her relax made Hotaru feel a little better. It had been a long time since the two had met, and the blind carver missed Terra greatly. Even Fawkes had missed the female's absence. He clicked his tongue above in the branch, offering soothing noises. Hotaru always found the relationship between Fawkes and Terra strange. They had something of a love hate relationship. Either the two got along well, or they argued just for the fun of it.

Hotaru released Terra as she stepped back, explaining that she wasn't hurt. "I'm happy to hear it. I wouldn't want to have to spend my time hunting down whoever dared to harm you or your pups. Stress isn't good for puppies." The grey wolf gave a half smile along with her rare joke. Hopefully, it would be enough to lift Terra's mood.

A moon and a half turn was not too long, about half a turn longer than Hotaru. The grey female nodded as she searched for a place to rest with her walking staff. At last, the pregnant wolf decided on a shady spot beneath a tree and settled down to talk. The walk to des Miracles was a long one, and Hotaru was a little tired. "Who's the father?"

Table by Skye

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