Bonding over Pregnancy

ooc here

Word Count → 000

Easy laughter bounced between the two heavily pregnant females, Terra's lupine form stretched out on the bank next to Hotaru's two legged stance. It was nice to be able to just relax, relief from the constant tension and worry that had been eating at Terra's mind. Some part of her knew that it was pointless worry, just lazing around in the shade, but the other part of her insisted that the danger was very, very real.

The hesitation grabbed Terra's attention, turning and looking directly at her. I know the feeling. She knew it far too well. Someone she would choose as a mate, but failed to do so. Nodding her head enthusiastically Terra yipped her agreement. They are too bothersome! All she really wanted to do was forget about all the fears that were now returning to the forefront of her mind. Pushing up she nudged against Hotaru, tail wagging behind her. Have you tried wading in the stream? Works wonders for cooling off.

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy of; manip and table by Nat

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