Night's Calling

OOC here!

Thana’s anger was building quickly, bringing forth a powerful rage and hatred. She finally decided to leave Casa di Cavalieri temporarily, wanting nothing more than to hunt down the ones responsible for the pain that was inflicted on her heart for the second time. This was the reason why she didn’t get close to others, especially males, all they did was cause harm. Now they would learn why it was a very bad idea to cause her pain.

With her dagger strapped to her thigh and her twin blades on her back, she was about to leave when Anna grabbed her arm. Turning around, Thana saw that her adopted daughter had her bow and dagger. It seemed she wanted to come with, knowing what her mother had planned. The two quietly left Casa and started to make their way to Sangi’lak, being careful not to wake anyone inside Casa as they left.

It was around midnight when Thana picked up the scent of a female pup and a bear. Was the pup being hunted? Wanting to make sure the pup was safe, Thana headed in the direction the scent was coming from. She knew the pup was close by but didn’t see her at first. It was Anna who finally found her under the tree. She took off her cloths and weapons and quickly shifted into lupus form, hoping to make the girl feel more comfortable. Hey there. We aren’t going to hurt you. You can come on out. She gave the pup a very friendly smile as Thana sat down beside Anna. I’m Anna and this is my mama Thana. Neither one was sure if the pup would come out or not but they hoped she would.

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