plucking strings and broken wings


Myrika is by Kiri!

The coyote nodded. There was no denying Inferni's past. She did not think it was so recent that the coyotes would have some blight on their history, however -- she would have thought most of the killing and death was done and over with. Looking at him quizzically, the coyote's ears were folded back, and she was deflated of all former pride. Most in Inferni wouldn't consider it murder to kill a cat -- if it had been indeed a cat Element had once befriended -- and Myrika herself probably wouldn't have, either, at least not before meeting Element and learning of his intelligence. Intelligent creatures could be murdered; unintelligent creatures, such as deer and even horses, could only be hunted or even just killed, if they weren't killed for food.

Inferni has more than a few dark stains, she said. I thought the darkest were in the deepest, oldest past, but apparently not. The woman took another few steps closer, but stopped at a respectful distance to sink down to the cat's level. If he clawed her face, she couldn't really blame him. What happened, if you don't mind me asking? Maybe there's something I could do. This would not have been possible just a month ago, but now it was -- an Aquila could enact punishments, though she could not imagine exiling a coyote for having killed a cat. Still -- there was surely something she could do, from fetching reparations for the feline to issuing a warning?

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