fear the broken hearted, and the lonely

He was still not over her, he still thought about her day after day, even while staying with Deuce that night, she was on his mind. It was horrid. She plagued him like an illness. The male only stuck around these lands longer then what he should, just for the off beat chance he could see her again. He had to, he wanted to. She held him back in so many ways, though he knew he wasn't the kindest male towards her either. He wanted her to come back to him, even if they had to have a hidden relationship, he would do it. He would give her any thing if she would come back to him, and be with him.

Lucifer stocked back and forth as he often did, hoping that she would spot him, and rush to him. Her sent was there in the pack lands, it was soft and refreshing. Her soft sent was over powered by the leader trio, but he was able to pin point he sent out, she was a founding member of this pack. He didn't care, he wanted to see her, he wanted to talk to her, he needed to know what happened, why she up and left him. He couldn't wait to see her any more, if she sent him off he would leave. He wouldn't look back and he would leave her to be happy for the rest of her life but for now he wouldn't leave till he saw her and was able to talk to her.

The muggy low laying clouds hung low in the lands, he sighed, it reminded him of Clouded Tears. Though he knew it was just the season, and the muggy weather that had hit the lands. The male looked around, he wanted to shower her in gifts...just like a lover should right?

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