The Fall of a Comrade
Hadley knew that Isa was nearing the end of her pregnancy. She'd actually reached the end, and then kept going. Something that was deeply concerning for him. He couldn't solve it though, so Hadley held on and wished for the best. With the news of a death in the pack he grew even more anxious. It had been Regner, the one that had taught him about healing. He'd picked up some fairly important stuff from him. Now he was dead. He stared at the pile where the bones laid, ears pinned to his head. Regner might have been old, but Hadley wished he hadn't died.

He stepped forward to place a stone when a sudden blur of black and gold flashed pass. The granddaughter. She was in secui form, the burly shape that he'd often seen the pup in. He stepped back, frightened by her vicious movements. Moving across he headed for where Isa was, moving to place himself between her and his very pregnant mate. In this state there was no way that he would let her near Adelle. She could get hurt too badly.

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