Scars of the Past
((417)) Thank you for finding thisssss. ;u;

Hearing her giggle, the dog couldn't help but to smirk triumphantly, as he was man who much enjoyed amusing others, especially lovely ladies. Agreed! The world is too big, an' life is too short. May as well do with it what ya can, I says Harvey nodded, An' if ya sit 'round too long, you'll miss out. So much goes on, but it'd all be but t' waste if ya act like a bum.

'Sides, if I 'ad decided t' stay in one place an' wait for an answer, I may 'ave nevah go'en t' meet such a lovely lady like yourself, hm? He sighed with a signature grin. He grew more confident with her expressions, assuming it appropriate to wrap a strong arm around her shoulders.

It was his turn to chuckle now in responce to her joking. Ah, yeh... I can see it! The aussie dog nodded, playing along. Always a fun lil' past time, 'til ya can't find your way back 'ome.

Wha's life without a lil' adventure from time t' time, hm? The Brit's smirk was still visible, and growing as he felt more at ease, and back to being his usual, cocky self. Well, glad ya didn't find me too strange, it's nice t' 'ave ya tag along. 'Specially when I doubt I would 'ave been able t' find me way back without ya.

Harvey laughed again, softly, enjoying the company and the conversation. He'd missed being able to talk like this, especially to somebody other than the rough and ruthless brutes his dared call companions in his gang days.

His tail swayed some behind him as he walked with her. London? Oh, it's... Pre'y nice, I think. Very rainy... Always 'ave tha' t' remember it by. Real lovely, though... The buildin's tha' 'ave made it are unbelievable... His mind had drifted off as he imagined he was back in the city, the foggy air surrounding him, the overcast keeping it cool and the unforgettable landmarks that made London so fascinating to him. What made it home...

A mirthful laugh erupting from inside him brought Harvey Butler back to reality, Ah, sorry... Nevah been t' Russie or Denmark meself. Would figure them t' be pre'y cold, yeh? Though, I 'ave 'eard they're quite lovely places.

Oh, so ya stay 'round 'ome? Must be pre'y close t' anybody else 'round these parts, aren't ya? Well, 'cept outsiders like me tha' go an' get themselves lost... The merle male smiled again, keeping close still.

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