Beginning of the wind
OOC: Apologies - the site was down because I was doing some maintenance, so that's my fault! It should be up again now Smile Ayule is for puppies, but the general rank for adults is Itse, so I'll title you as that. You can change to a different beginner rank anytime by request Smile
Sorry for shortness: replying from my phone

The other seemed to give it some thought, and Ulilohi kept her gaze on her as she waited for a response. She kept her dominant pose, and Aethusa seemed to recognise the autority of her rank. She expressed feeling honored, and Ulilohi nodded courdially to the mention, though she did not comment on it. Her ears flicked in interest as Aethusa continued to tell her tale, making note of her youth. Hers was a culture that believed in hospitality and forgiveness, and she deeply respected honesty. "I am sorry," she said in response to her sad story. "Anyone willing to learn are welcome here, and we could certainly use your skills." The councilwoman extended a hand, indicationg towards the path behind her. "This path leads to the Village - you can accompany me if you will, and I can show you around." She usually didn't offer this, but the young one seemed a gentle soul.

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