Deep, deadly reassurance

GOT 'EM. Let's repost this and I'll start a new one soon.

Even as she went through the process of unloading her horse, loosening the saddle so Hildr might be more comfortable, she was considering things. There was something familiar in the man—something she could not place—and it tickled the back of her thoughts even as she debated what it was she sought from the pair. The child was young and worn thin by the road. While her coat was still glossy, her weight was not that of a fat, well-provided for pup. Whatever instinctive motherly part of her existed yearned to care for the girl, and so Siv was moved, in some part of her thunderous soul.

The man began to prepare a fire, and Siv caught his eye. She smiled reassuringly and did indeed bring down the freshly caught kill. She had nothing to prepare it in, but improvised by finding a two-inch thick stick, broken smartly into three pieces. With her claws she cut two deep, gouged holes into the chunk of meat. This allowed her to skewer what was a thick piece of haunch, and as the fire licked into life, she worked slowly. The thought that she somehow sensed something recognizable in the man would not leave her.

“I am Siv,” she replied, settling near the fire to do her work. “That is an impressive cat,” she further went on, motioning to the lion pelt. She had no idea what it was, but imagined it to be a hairy cougar—albeit it bigger than any cougar she had ever seen. “Where did you manage to find it?”


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