Only love can build us a Bridge of Light
:O How would Claudius react if she threw herself at him? x3

The soft tremor of his voice made her want to cry, or to run away. If eyes truly were the window to the soul then surely hers must have turned black from the evil and darkness that layered throughout it, the damage caused by other's actions, the sheer amount terror that she existed in. Nobody was exempt from it and everybody was a threat, another jailer to bind her with chains of fear and pain, a reason to hide. Her own tears continued to fall unbidden and unchecked, she didn't care, couldn't care, she had nothing to care about herself anymore, no shred of dignity or pride left. She wished it were raining then the world around her would reflect her inside.

He was concerned about the blood staining her paws, come from her head and found no strength of passion to not hurt herself. If she had a sharp object at that moment she would have easily fallen back to her old coping mechanism, her thick white fur hid so much from the world. He gasped and she flinched again away from him. Shame and self revulsion colored her expression, she lowered her head knowing that she was ugly now, ugly and horrible to look at.

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