Only love can build us a Bridge of Light
A new desperation filled her now, he was wishing to help her but she didn't think she could take that help, it was too scary, too unknown, too everything. It didn't even make sense to her. Fear continued to pour from her so much she was sure she should reek of it. It filled her own nose and made her feel sick. She became agitated and her destroyed ear twitched sporadically in an uncontrollable tic, the muscles damaged irreparably. Something was stretching tight inside of her, ready to break, pulled taut. Haunted eyes dashed about the darkened village, where was her Light. He was missing, on another trip of his. She was alone.

The thing that was close to snapping inside of her did snap and her irrational fear of being touched morphed into something different, waves of it flowing like an out of control flood. Now instead she feared being alone in this world and she threw herself towards the only source of light that she could find in her blackness. Claudius' pale pelt was a beacon. She was shaking badly, her teeth chattering together with the tremors. His fur was soft and he smelt like AniWaya, like her home. She clung onto him as a person danging over a cliff would hang onto a rock, shivering fiercely with tears streaming down her face. He was a male but he wasn't that kind of male, he wouldn't hurt her like that, he was too nice, too good.

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