Home Sweet Home (?)
(( WC: 241 ))

Ah, pleasure t' meetcha, Miss Rio! He said, shaking her hand briefly.

Eh, I'm from... 'Ere an' there... Harvey shrugged, not caring too much to dig into his past. It was what he was running away from, after all, so he figured letting it go, keeping himself from revealing it, was the best option.

His smile wasn't quite genuine, but it at least appeared happy. Something was making him nervous, perhaps the way the other seemed to observe him. Harvey pretended not to take much notice of it, and spoke rapidly, words slurring together some, as his accent was already difficult for some.

So I've noticed... Hm. I imagine it'd be quite the nice lil' place, no neighbours t' cause ya trouble, or chaos thrivin' in the streets. Hardly any action happenin' at all. He more or less mumbled, not thinking too much on what he was saying.

He wasn't scared, but uneasy.

Instead of allowing himself to be shown was weak and uncomfortable (which was incredibly embarrassing for him, due to his large ego and the fact that his current audience was of the female persuasion), Harvey cleared his throat, gave another grin, and let his body relax.

Sounds like a nice lil' set-up. So, y'know o' any other homes 'ere in livable conditions? It'd be nice t' find meself some cozy place t' stay the night... The Brit nodded. Or 'ave ya grabbed the last one on the market?

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