[aw] if you want a job done right


Vasiliy is by me!

Vasi shifted the fish in his grip and grinned at the little white cat. The heads and tails weren't really good to him anyway, so he might as well share those with one who might actually enjoy them. Levent's compliment, however, was more important to the dusky wolf than thinking about what he might do with the scraps of fish he cared not to consume. His eyes roved over the animal with silent appraisal, and he nodded. She was a gorgeous horse --even Vasiliy could tell a useless stot from a magnificent example of an animal, though the closer degrees of either were difficult to determine for him. He grinned, abashedly, and lifted a hand to adjust his bandana.

Levent, friend, was not even ocean! Was bay, he corrected, grinning. We never see real ocean, but you are right be scared. Tides in bay are no joke, he said confidently. He'd fought with them quite a bit while they were in the innermost parts of the bay -- the crossing from southern Whisper Beach coast to the Drifter Bay coast had been particularly tricky. But no worries with good captain and good crew. I try, he said, smiling. Maybe you try give horse carrots? Horse like carrots. Or apple, he suggested. Vasi had no idea how to break a horse, in truth, but food always helped any situation.

He slid his knife out of its sheath on his side and lifted the fish, gripping one by its now-slimy body. He neatly sliced off the tail and offered it to the pale cat. Want, kitty? Is yours, he said, kneeling so he might offer it more on a level with the creature. Food help make friend, he added, grinning at Levent. At least, he hoped so, anyway -- if he couldn't fish for Cercatori d'Arte, what else was he good for?

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