A fit of lethargy had overtaken the Italian in recent months. He found little motivation in anything he did, his paintings were abandoned within minutes and his training was hardly improving his combat skills at all. Alcohol didn't help either. Didn't help at all. He had taken to simply wandering Casa di Cavalieri with little purpose, avoiding interaction and hunting mindlessly. At least he was contributing.

Jazper had noticed, leading to his demotion. He didn't care. Regner was dead, Lorenzo was gone. Casa di Cavalieri wasn't crumbling, far from it, but his lethargic state was pessimistic at best. He was bored. Intensely bored. Easily distracted. He lacked the energy to change his current state.

He needed something big to shake him out of his idle, sluggish stupor. Something that piqued his interest. Something that turned into the charming rogue he so loved being, when he truly felt alive and well. Someone who could kick him out his current state.

Lying on his back in front of the fireplace in the Great Hall, hands behind his head and legs straight out as the fire toasted his left side, it seemed unlikely. Especially since it was close to midnight.

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