Next to nothing. [AW]

Word Count » 000 :: Out of character text here: LOL I found it!

Her wounds.. they were healing at least. And her pride, although battered and broken, was recovering slowly. She lamented the loss of her beauty, the one constant she had held but it was no more. Instead a jagged mass of claw marks desecrated the left side of her face and the stubby remains of her left ear was ripped and torn. No there was no beauty in her appearance anymore. As before though her long fur hid the lacerations inflicted on her body, leaving it still desirably curvy but on her face it was shorter and didn't hide at all. Her beauty now had to come from within herself to make up for it. Her children were the way, they grew fast and kept her heart and fire alive. With their love she found the inspiration to perform her dances. She was doing so now, the staff slicing through the air with perfect ease and she turned, ignoring the twinge of discomfort from her ribs and her once broken wrist. She wouldn't be brought down, the demon would not destroy her.

A call cut through her practice routine and she let the staff drop from its upraised position. Staring out cautiously into the greenery around the village's perimeter suspiciously as though she could summon an image of the visitor from simply squinting her eyes. Across the fire from her Light too rose from his sitting position where he had been watching her perform, his knife already drawn as he watched her warily. Since she had returned to AniWaya, carried by his caring arms, she had not left its borders nor even attempted to approach them for fear of being attacked again but today, she decided, would put an end to that.

She returned her staff to its place inside the town hall and then reverently excused herself from the Great Fire's presence. She had almost fully immersed herself into the culture of this pack, and saw through its eyes and thought with its values. Tamai was somewhere nearby but the spirit guide didn't reveal herself to her so she started forwards without him and only Light by her side. Since he had spoken to her, berated her and embarrassed her in front of Light and her children about her cowardice she had stepped up and forwards instead of being a pathetic little girl with no will of her own.

The forest passed them by with exaggerated slowness no matter the speed or length of her stride. Time was content to pass by at half its normal rate and she was irritated by it's weight. Light struck out ahead of her by a few paces and he would be the first to come into contact with the fence that surrounded AniWaya. She saw his face distort before rolling into a blank mask and as she leaned around him to see he whispered to her ears only 'Be strong now'

A male.. boy stood before her, somebody she had never seen before and yet she was looking back at the past. Wide blue eyes caressed the lines of his body, the set of his face and the tilt of his ears. A pain so sharp it eclipsed everything she had experience during her mauling and rape shattered her heart into millions of pieces and she died a thousand times over. The presence of the horse, his horse was just another nail in her coffin. Again her own love was turned against her and hardened into a spear used to pierce and wound her. The woman turned her face to the floor, eyes squeezing shut and gripped her teeth together in anguish. Light's arm fell down onto her shoulder, a pillar of support.

She struggled not to fall apart completely as she raised her head and looked at him again,

Gadohv asique... Her voice lingered off and then carried on again in english this time 'Why have you come here?'

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