[m] we've been rambling all the night
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain drug usage and graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Stress was not something that the Turkish merchant was unfamiliar with, and in most cases a little stress helped his performance. He was used to deadlines and conflicts while trading on the road, requiring a quick tongue and quicker feet to get him where he needed to be. He was used to being busy, and his first few lax months in Nova Scotia hadn’t taken that edge away from him. In a way, it felt good to be constantly doing something now that he’d gotten integrated into Cercatori d’Arte, having helped with the voyage and its aftermath, not to mention the upcoming birth of his puppies.

My puppies, Levent Kartal thought in wonderment, for the umpteenth time. Benim çocuklarım. He was still in shock about it, still didn’t know what to do other than prepare for the physical things: toys, floor space, puppy-proofing. In short, he was prepared for just about everything but what he really needed to focus on, which included his relationship with Hotaru and the fact that he was going to be a father, their father, and he would have to figure out sometime what kind of father he would be.

“Ben burada olsaydın, Baba,” he murmured, watching the smoke coil from the joint between his fingers and leaning back against the fallen log. His satchel sat plainly next to him, as did two of his throwing knives, just to deter anyone who thought they could snag his goods—not that there was much to steal off him right now. Everything he cared about was back in d’Arte.

All he could do right now was try to relax, take a small break from his stress, and let his worries float away like smoke.

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