greeted by skeletons
Once the leader came he lowered his body though dared to reach up and try to offer her a nuzzle. She was of higher ranking and the male knew that she wouldn't scold him for wanting to love on her, she was like family to him, however he knew well enough there was a time and place for every thing, and maybe now wasn't the best, but if she wanted the love that he had to offer he, she would take it. If not there was no harsh feelings. He watched the tow female's talk before he raised him-self up, to sit near the red leader.

Giving a nod looking to the female. He was glad when she spoke up and said why she was here, and giving Fa.tin respect and submission. The black male stood up looking to the lady, taking her huge smile as a sign, the male gave her a nod, letting her know that he thought she did fine.

"I think she would be nice to have around. She would be good to throw into the pack, she said she thrives on working hard and things like that. I would be willing to work with her show her borders, and stuff."

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