Looking for heaven's light
[/html] The silence stretched on even after Anu spoke. When Anu spoke, her voice was always so soft and gentle: just like now. And after, there was a hollow emptiness that always left Tayui wanting more. Neither of them tended to say much, but they weren't as uptight as Claudius, who could go for days without speaking a word. But Tayui always suspected it was more because of how difficult it was; not because he had nothing to say or because it was a form of unspoken communication.

Thinking of her son made her wonder if she could really leave this place. All she'd wanted since Noir's death was peace, and now that she'd finally found it, she was terrified. She was afraid that once she got what she wanted, it wouldn't be worth it anymore. What would she do if she realized that this had always been a silly dream? That the journey was worth more than the actual realization?

She looked over at Anu and steeled herself. Even if it wasn't what she wanted, she wanted to be with Anu. That would have to be enough.

"But I'd fight for you any day," she said softly. Then, realizing how corny it sounded, she grinned and leaned in to the other woman. [html]

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