We Built this...Ranch?
But your thoughts will soon be wandering,
the way they always do, When you're ridin' sixteen hours
And there's nothin' much to do
OOC :: Front of barn and Wonky side of barn, not to scale.

When the only thing that came to the man's eyes was the sight of a jackal and a white wolf, herding the sheep just within eyesight, Asgeir turned to the lovely X'yrin. The Issor had ridden to the construction site with him and assisted him in carrying the wood nearer to where they needed it. He stood for several minutes scratching his head as he surveyed the ground, wondering where to start.

When X'yrin had proposed the building of the barn that needed to contain four horses, five piglets that would someday be big sows and boars, three sheep and as many cows, as well as maintaining room for more animals that would undoubtedly spawn from these and that would come in with immigrants, he had begun planning in his head. But now that he was looking at the grounds, Asgeir knew it was going to take a bit more than what he had thought. The man struck around looking for a stick, and found a suitably dusty space on the ground. He was no artist, but the shape of the barn was clear in his sketch. The base of the building would be fifteen feet tall by an immense 80 feet long, give or take a bit, which would allow for thirty-two, five foot square boxes, more than enough room to move about in. The ceiling would be roughly double a wolf's height, and while the tallest might have to stoop under the doorway, it would not be an uncomfortable amount.

Once he had figured out the dimensions for the building, Asgeir began working out how to frame it. For maximum durability, having a cross-bar of beams roughly every five to ten feet would be best. Doodling a bit more, he decided on five feet for the front, and ten along each side. He would need to do some serious work with the wood to prepare it best, but before that he needed to get the holes dug. He motioned X'yrin over to his "blueprint" and worked it out with her. Each small side would need six holes, with a mark in the middle to denote doors, while the long sides would need eight holes. The smaller side's holes would be five paces apart, the longer would be ten paces. The holes would have to be plenty deep to ensure each beam would sink enough to stabilize it. Without further ado, Asgeir began working on a corner hole, planning to dig past arm's length.

And you don't feel much like ridin',
You just wish the trip was through
WC :: +500
image courtesy of emdadi. template by revo. <3


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