Heavy Heart
OOC text

Zalen watched his Gamma just as carefully as Tharin chose his words. What he said did not surprise him, only because moments before he had been thinking about Shadowfang. He flicked an ear as if ridding himself of an invisible biting insect as Tharin finished; his words were contrite, but Zalen could tell there was concern there. His face twisted into a frown, I see… He looked away then, thinking to himself on how to respond exactly.

Fayne made her entrance then and Zalen looked up to her with a smile and a short wag of the tail. She greeted the two of them and he was quick to give her a quick lick of greeting, but she seemed just as eager to speak to Zalen as Tharin had. She said someone was getting out of hand, and Zalen raised his head and ears, This wouldn’t happen to be about Shadowfang would it? But he could tell by the look in her eyes that it was so.

The Alpha sat down before his Gamma and Delta, Both of you, tell me, what is going on with Shadowfang, and what do you think it’s best that I do? He would like to see what their opinion on this, because he valued all of his brothers and sisters’ opinions, but ultimately, the final decision would be his.

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