at the violet hour, when the eyes and back
dated to the 9th, when the meteor shower starts! :O late evening ^^;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-color:#18323b;">

The night was cool on Sepirah's thin dark coat, the little heat that existed in the darkness being absorbed into her skin. The various golden bracelets, earrings, and necklaces that adorned her body clinked and jangled softly as she moved, on two legs rather than four. Her serpentine companion, active and lively as he was during the day, now was still and silent, wrapped around her shoulder and down the length of her arm, taking what heat he could from her body and the surrounding summer night air. There was a slight breeze.

As much as Sepirah enjoyed the heat of day, the dark night held advantages to her as well - her dark, easily camouflaged coat took well to the late hours of Nephthys's realm. Concealed by shadows, it was almost as if the lithe jackal was woven into the night by sable-shaded stitches, betrayed only by her brilliant golden eyes.

Crossing the moor, her luminescent eyes gleamed something differing from the purple and blue hues of night; a blur of white, poorly hidden in the grasses. Stealthily moving forward, she took in a deep breath through her nose, and recognized the scent of an Inferni coyote. Allowing her muscles to loosen and relax, she padded towards the white coyote, wondering what he was doing in this violet hour.


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