[M]Uncaged and raged
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Aeron huffed as she made her way to the training grounds. She had not come here alot only because she was busy working on things like leading and dealing with her mate. she could fel lit all slipping away she could feel all her trying fading into nothing. Charm had become quiet more so then Normal Avoiding her touch. And it bothered Aeron more then it really should it made the demon's blood boil. she look at the building a forced her way inside.
She pulled off her cloak and reveiled her tank style Martail arts top. The black top had a trimming of gold, it had once represented her rank now it was nothing more but a mento. Her black loose pants alowed her to strech and move. She cracked her knuckles and looked at the sand filled bag she had hung for herself. She took in a deep breath and she could still smell the blood on the shirt she wore. So many head died before her by her own two hands. She laughed as she kicked the sand bag.

Now look at her she was pathetic she was worrying about some woman. But that woman was her mate and she wanted her life to settle down. she snarled as she kicked the bag turning around she threw a punch. The sand absorbed her punch she wanted to maim something rip something to shreads. She could feel the itch of needing to kill bubbling in her.

She snarled as she attacked the bag. Only to have the sand bag absord all the attaks. Her snarl only became louder when she she whiped around giving the bag a good round house kick breaking the crappy rope it was on. How dare it break on her. She kicked it sending it across the room.

Just as she was starting to take out all her agression on the bag she heard movement in the room other then her own. She could not hear the crows cawing so it had to be someone or something that always roamed the land. looking behind her it was a fox that seemed to be looking for a shelter or the food in Aeron's Bag. She snarled looking at it. She grabbed her knife throwing it at the fox. the first knife missed causing the thing to move further into the training room. She grabbed another this time throwing it at the things leg. A yelp rang out as Aeron could smell the blood. Yes this poor creature would suffer through her anger. She moved closer as the fox tried to slink away. I don't think so. Aeron spoke as she got closer to it pulling out another knife. She had it nearly cornered as she trew this one at its paw This fox would be going no where. paw stuck to the ground and another leg damaged Aeron smiled. I should not have soiled your coat. Oh well your bones will still be of use to me. She spoke as she reached for the sbnarling fox.

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