Fatherhood Maybe
The white wolf's voice was warm, inviting him to enter. The normally rambunctious wolf slipped in, looking around the den. It was a good set up, if not as elaborate as the room he shared with the Angelo. Smiling he moved over to her side and looked over to the bundle of wrestling pups. It looked like they were all enjoying themselves. Not that he could tell any of them apart, or even guess which ones belonged to Alaki.

Sitting down he looked over, smiling. Good to see you. Ah...which ones are Alaki's? He felt a bit stupid asking. They were his mate's pups after all. Alex didn't want much to do with them however, and he was more focused on figuring out what he was supposed to do than actually making a connection to them on any sort of level. How could he have affection for his competition after all? He looked over the pups, trying to separate them and figure out how many there actually were there. They moved so quickly! Just when he'd think he got close, one would pop out from beneath another, or it would turn out that the leg the pup had been chewing on was it's own.

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