Zeneca looked at the young man chocolate eyes watched him and she gave a bit of a smile. She looked at Asreal He was getting the fire really going by now his damp fur warming by the slowly building fire. He sighed as he looked back at the two it bothered him that the other was so close to Zeneca.

Zeneca smiled and nodded. Thank you so much I think asreal could learn a thing or two from you. she spoke her tone fluid and calm. Much nicer then it had been with Asreal. She was a rather interesting player in the game known as life. She glanced up at Asreal and smiled.

No we are heading no where actually She said as she looked at him. Trying to find some family I lost and find a place I think is safe enough to have these little ones. She laid a white hand on her stomach and purred to herself too. She was so very happy.

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