mark me with fire
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_____I'm not sure if I really have a place, was a phrase that Corona could have sworn she had used before. To her recollection it was the very phrase that she had used as a child a number of times, even though she was firmly settled in a rut between two greater evils. Being a hybrid had both its advantages and disadvantages and even if she was more wolf than she was coyote, Corona could have sharply resembled a coyote in the right light. Until she turned around of course, and revealed just how much of a wolf she really was. But being a Lykoi gave her the right to step from the light into the dark, and being a de le Poer let her do the opposite.

_____And she stood right in the middle of both of those lights, being the dichotomy of her parents. Bound to go crazy one day with a straight face and a religious calling to back her. “I grew up on the other side of the mountain too,” she said with a small smile, “but it's been a couple of years since then. I've done a lot of travelling.” Or something like that, anyway. She had been back as many times as she had gone, each time finding herself a little bit more than the last time. Each time she learnt just a little bit more of the world she had come into and how to function to survive one step ahead of the rest.

_____“Did you live in Inferni by any chance? You seem like someone I should know.” She was too familiar in the sense that she reminded Corona of someone based on appearance alone. There was always a chance that the family she spoke was the very family that she had left in Inferni; but she couldn't come up with just who she could have possibly been. With her mother still gone (and in Corona's mind, assumed dead), the youngest batch of siblings had scattered to the four winds. The only one Corona had ever gotten a look at had looked at her with pure hatred and even now, his face was a fuzzy image in her pile of memories.


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