The Good Life
((334)) Oh, I like his styllleeee! ;u;

Looking around for nothing in particular, Harvey continued to scavenge through the, for the majority, destroyed homes. He found a watch, and even draped it over a wrist, picturing how it'd look, but he tossed it away after closer inspection; not only did it not work, but the face was broken and the leather strap torn.

His long haired tail wagged somewhat, the male obviously amused with his treasure hunting.

Oblivious to anything around him, the merle aussie dog didn't hear the stranger come near, but the sudden voice caused his flopped ears to perk (as much as flopped ears could).

He turned to the source, and couldn't help but to smirk at the other's relaxed demeanor.

Bi-coloured eyes scanned over the younger male, interested and intrigued by the choice of clothing. It was different than anything else he'd seen worn by others in this new land (though, most of the people he met lately were mostly, if not naked), but he liked it. Something about the stranger impressed the ex-gangster. Perhaps the disposition, or his style... He wasn't sure, but he seemed a descent enough bloke.

Nah, mate... 'Ave a grab at what ya want, ain't plannin' t' take much for meself. Harvey shrugged. Though his accent was distinctly British, it was a cocktail of dialects acquired through his travels. Thanks to his being born and raised mostly in the East End of London, though, his being a Cockney was most prominent in speech. Jus' lookin' 'round, don't really 'ave anyfin' else t' do, now, hm?

He wasn't going to be shown up by the younger canine. Despite his first impression being a relatively positive one, Harvey was egotistical. The Brit leaned against a stained table nearby, arms crossed over his broad chest, grinning to the other. He could play it just as cool.

Until the table creaked rather menacingly and caused the luperci to hurriedly stand back straight.

He gave a cheesy smile, Eh, so... Ya lookin' for somefin' in particular, mate?

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