Peaceful Intentions

hehe, Tony;s fall has given him so sense XD hover over for english~

Tony had barely had time to speak more when his father advanced between Neela and the strangers. Chocolate ears flickered to catch everyones speech, and as the Casa members got more annoyed by the strangers words Tony felt it nessicary to engage. 'Hey, hey! Cool it!' he said in English, before turning to his father and speaking briefly in Italian, mostly so the Sangilak members couldn't hear. Not that it mattered, 'Papà. Calmati. Ascoltateli prima, okay? Non abbiamo bisogno di una lotta'. His words were even as he advance to his father's eyeline, trying to get his father to shealth his sword. Tony never professed to being fluent in Italian, especially now when he hardly ever used it, but he could hold a conversation.

And then Neela went and spoke. Rolling his eyes, his words were stern now, a little annoyed perhaps, 'Hey! We don' need nun' 'a tha'!' It was safe to say that after his fall, Tony had gained a bit of sense. 'We all need t' calm down, eh?' he voiced out again, looking around the small crowd.


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