[p] sorrow all across the surface roads


Myrika is by me!

Leaning on the fence Myrika's eyes were drawn to a lean black shape. It crawled along down near the base of the fence for a time, and then with a single leap, landed neatly on the fence itself. From there, Morcant climbed up onto the roof of the lean-to stables, slipping inside through the crack in the door. There were sounds of a scuffle, and Myrika winced, wondering if it had been a chicken or chick or pest the cat killed. She soon found out, for the cat emerged from the stables through the door this time. There was a rather large rat in his jaws, its rear end dragging against the ground as the cat carried it off. Myrika grinned as she watched the cat retreat away from the noisy stables and toward the quieter house. He often crept around the stone foundation of the school's demolished outbuilding. It had been knocked down in the time of humanity, Myrika thought, but perhaps they hadn't the time to finish the job.

Morcant stopped suddenly, and veered away, slinking to the other side of the schoolhouse. Myrika blinked and was surprised to find Valkyrie and a small feline making their way toward her. She straightened up a bit, and Mili, too, then took notice of them. He stamped his feet impatient and glowered at Myrika, tossing his head to show his annoyance with this added presence. Myrika reached out and gave the colt a swat on his flank, then turned around to face Valkyrie, paying him no mind. Mili paced and continued to call for his mother, who seemed perfectly content to enjoy her extended break from the colt. Myrika murmured a greeting toward the cat, appraising the black and white feline with cool eyes. There was a great difference between her slinking feral animal and this domesticated being, though the differences were not so much physical as behavioral. Morcant approached only when it was quiet and Myrika was alone, and only at the coaxing of some food. Otherwise, he remained as far away as possible, and did his pest-hunting with precision.

Hey Valkyrie, she greeted, smiling. It's been a while, good to see you, too. Her eyes glanced toward Mili and her smile faltered a moment. Eira's colt, probably by Viggo. Ezekiel's horse, you know? she said, appraising the animal with a wary eye. I fear he's inherited a temper from one of his parents, at least.

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