luck must fight over me
A crow landed on the fence, cawing loudly. It hopped down to the post, bobbing its head up and down. Myrika paid it no mind at first, but the black bird cawed again. Its cry was more insistent this time, cutting through the ever-present fog. The hybrid looked up from her stall-mucking and put the rake off to one side. She glowered at the bird, but it cawed again, bobbling its head up and down. Myrika went for a feedbag, pulling out some grain. She trotted over toward the crow and held out her hand tentatively.

It pecked at the grain viciously, devouring it in a matter of moments, but never did it injure her hand. When the grain was gone, either down the bird's gullet or scattered to the wind, it looked at her and blinked black eyes, cawing again. It made another noise, a more garbled one, and Myrika blinked. Wolf, it croaked. The redhead peered at the bird curiously, but nodded. It flapped black wings and took off from the post, heading in the direction of the pack's western border.

Myrika took a moment to clean herself off, rushing into the house. There wasn't much she could do, but a quick straightening of her hair, application of a bandana around her neck, and shaking off the dirt was about all she could do. Trotting toward the borders, the hybrid soon heard the call emanating from the borders. The bird was right, as always. As she passed Hollow's Ruins, she heard their noise. She might have to offer a better reward later, but for now, she must attend to the presence at their perimeter.

She was close enough to have not needed a horse, but upon seeing the stranger mounted, she wished she'd taken the time to saddle Cahal. Her stallion would not have made such an impressive sight as the dark one, but she might at least have been at a level with the stranger. Still, she swallowed whatever reservations she might have had and smiled instead, nodding toward the woman. How can I help you?

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