luck must fight over me
The woman on the horse was no less impressive than her mount. She was clearly a wolf, possessing a timberwolfish coloration and brilliantly green eyes. Her introduction drew a perking of the ears and a straightening of Myrika. She nodded, considering the woman. Though Salsola and Inferni had come together to smash a common foe, Myrika did not think even Ezekiel had considered them friends -- and she knew even less about them. Now, she was their leader. I'd heard an aunt or cousin or something of mine led Salsola, she said mildly. Had she expected a Lykoi? Perhaps a de le Poer? She remembered Kaena's warning about Eris -- but this was a different Eternity, it seemed.

Myrika Tears. I lead Inferni now, she said. Ezekiel's gone. She'd said that rather often lately. It's no problem. Maybe we should have sent someone, but things have been a mess lately, what with the change in leadership, she added, shrugging. Is there something the matter? She was thinking of their attackers again -- perhaps Salsola had been attacked once more? The hybrid kept her composure, but curiosity was drawn plainly on her face. She'd heard so little of their closest neighbor, and what little crept through was not all that positive.

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