[aw] palladio

What she would indentify as hair later cascaded down her back as it grew out, both tickling her and giving some comfort. A protective curtain that brushed softly against her whenever she moved in the slightest. She sensed Zalen reaching out, and remained still as she felt a piece of the smooth, supple sheet being removed and held gingerly in the man's strong yet gentle hand. She smiled, meekly, at his comment, and would have spoken her thanks if she was not pressured into being silent. Maybe he could see how grateful she was by the look in her eyes that blankly peered out between the inky strands of hair. As if reading her thoughts, Cody brushed the mane away from her face both in inspection of the new thing and to allow her to be seen clearly.

Another voice joined in, and the boy answered their grandmother with a quiet, thankful tone that seemed to be a bit choked up with another emotion. Lena vaguely remembered his previous worry, and wondered if it was relief that distorted his voice. "Thank you. Both of you." Her smile became more heartfelt as she felt the last of her bones settled into their place, the clicks becoming so quiet that the final snap was nothing more but something that could only barely grab one's attention.

She laughed as Deuce pressed her muzzle into her, and nuzzled her back as she raised her paws to hold her face. But, no longer were they paws, they were hands--at least that's what she thought they were called. Fingers brushed the woman's face, and Lena was baffled by the new sensation that crept from them. She felt, she could picture. Formed in her mind what was her grandmother's cheeks. "Cody," she simply stated, and the boy bent forward, momentarily confused. She grabbed his face, hands hungry, as she held and touched him. Floppy ears that she loved to nip at. A broad muzzle, yes. And an abundance of fur, near the top of his head, that nearly covered his seeing eyes that will eventually need to be cut.

After that, she turned to where Zalen stood, arms held near her chest. A silent question was asked, if she could "see" him for the first time.


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