M-I am a master at this game

WC: 496 - Totally not the theme for the table – but who cares.

Rio awoke to muffled sounds outside her window. She had been dreaming of weird colors, but couldn’t really pinpoint what they were. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling- not bothering to get up just yet. She listened keenly to the commotion outside. Either it was a trespasser or it was Itzal back from the hunt already… Rio turned her head to check what time it was – the sun had just been coming up. It was dawn. Soon, the noise downstairs stopped and Rio wondered where he went. She turned her head back so she could stare at the white ceiling again. There were a few water stains and cracks, but no holes. Gratefully.

There was a firm knock at her door and Rio’s attention was torn from the ceiling. She heard Itzal’s voice on the other side, and sat up in her bed. ”Coming!” She called to him, and forced herself up. She was very awake, but lazy at the same time. She threw back the blue comforter and the wolf pelt that lay on top of it – the head was situated at the bottom of the bed. She didn’t bother making the bed, but she moved around to open the door for Itzal. When she swung it open she smiled, ”Good morning.” She wasn’t wearing clothes at this point – she didn’t sleep in them, and she didn’t bother putting her dress on. She didn’t want to get blood on it.

Then she turned away from him and straightened the blankets and the wolf pelt on her bed. Her room was blue with white trim and one curtained window. There was a closet on the opposite wall from her bed which was small and had a mirrored door. There were a few hangers in there – totally cleaned out. She didn’t like any of the clothes in it, and so they burned with the rest of the stuff she didn’t want – out in the middle of the street. It was a melted hunk of plastic, and it stood as a landmark now. She would always know where the house was thanks to that melted hunk of stuff in the middle of the abandoned road.

When she was done with her bed, she grabbed the dagger that Itzal gave her the night before, and followed him downstairs. Itzal went out the front door, while Rio stopped in the kitchen and grabbed a few jars. They were small – only capable of storing small slivers of meat. There were other plates as well, in which she would cut bigger pieces and leave them by her tenants’ doors. She grabbed as many jars as she could hold and followed out the front door. She placed them down on the porch and took her new dagger out of its sheath. ”Can you skin?” Skinning it first would be better – a new fur for an extra blanket, or even a blanket for Itzal if he ever got cold on the couch.

Code by Kitty; Photo by Angus Clyne@flickr

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