M-I am a master at this game

WC:303 - Sorry for rushing through the previous post >.<

Rio’s eyes followed Itzal as he passed her and went into the kitchen with some of the clinking jars. There was no way he could’ve carried them all, and she somehow knew there had to be more on the porch still… She would get those later. Itzal came out of the kitchen and sat on the floor near her. ”Oh, um. I could move…” Rio moved her legs from taking up the whole end of the couch. That way, he had some room to sit with her now. She moved up more towards the other side, giving him room.

The whole chopping the elk up thing didn’t take as much time as was expected. Rio laid there thinking what she could order him to do next. She couldn’t think of anything. She had to clean Vitalia’s poop out in the yard, but she would do that herself. Rio sat up – she got a sudden idea. ”Acciai…” She could hear the owl hooting near the back door, which meant he wanted to come in. Rio jumped up off of the couch and went to let the bird in the house. She hoped he wouldn’t decide to poop anywhere – but the owl was smart.

The bird flew in before Rio came back, and perched himself on the banister of the stairs. He sat there and watched Itzal with a seriously concentrated stare. Then Rio came back, petted the owl and situated herself back on the couch. She knew she would’ve had to get up. She was more on the other side of the couch now with her knees to her chest, almost. Itzal had much more room now. ”What is on your agenda for today? Is there anything you need help doing?” Even though he was living in her house, she would still help him too.

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