M-I am a master at this game

WC:234 - Ooc.

Rio looked toward the bird and then back at Itzal, ”He’s my owl. He attacked me in New Dawn, and then became my friend after. Acciai.” She looked lovingly toward the bird. At first, she couldn’t get rid of him and he wouldn’t leave her side, but soon enough she got used to his company. She was often grateful for it – when she went on long journeys without her horse, Acciai was there flying with her. The owl fluffed his feathers, but otherwise sat quietly.

Rio got more comfortable on the couch, stretching her legs over Itzal’s lap. What could she say? She had turned into a bit of a flirt over this last month. She smiled at him, but said nothing. She threw her head back on the cushioned pillows of the couch. She spoke towards the stained ceiling; now realizing one of them was blood. ”Do you have any animals?” She couldn’t really picture Itzal having any at the moment – but maybe he did before he left? She continued studying the ceiling – the blood stain might have been from what she left by Harvey’s door. Oh, well. Can’t win em’ all. It was an old house… it wasn’t going to get much better, and she didn’t plan on staying here forever. Maybe she would burn it down once she found somewhere else to live – and of course, all of her tenants did too.

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